Sunday, December 13, 2009

My Teacher Identity

How is this experience shaping your teacher identity? Give specific examples/stories.

This experience has been one that I will never forget and I am quite sad that it has to end. I have become quite connected to my students. At this point I can only hope that I have had a positive effect on their lives. However, my teacher identity has most definitely been shaped by my time at Overpass Middle School.
First of all, this experience has heightened my enthusiasm to teach. I cannot wait to have more students and my classroom. However, I do feel as if I would rather teach in a more rural area. I enjoyed teaching the students in a Providence public school, however, I feel as if I would be more comfortable teaching in a rural school district.
I have also learned that being a teacher is en extreme responsibility. As a teacher you are shaping the lives of children. The way you act, what you say, and how you teach have a direct affect on the students. You have to set a good example and be a model for your students.
Toward the end of my time at the school it really touched me to see the impact that I had on my students. They were always excited when I came in and were very attentive to everything that I said. When I told them when the last time I could come in to see them was, their spirits dropped and they almost resorted to tears. This broke my heart, however it also showed me how such a small thing, like teaching flute lessons, can impact this students so much. They are very sensitive and unstable and you have to teach them in a way that takes his into consideration.
This experience has shown me what kind of a teacher I can be and what lasting affect I can have as students. I cannot wait to teach and this experience has only given me more drive and ambition to get there.

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